We are the only one clinic in Minnesota that provides the leading technology of infrared scanning to help patients to “see” their hidden symptoms; and, we provide instant comparison before and after treatments to show patients how their symptoms have been addressed and corrected.

     Infrared scanning can detect from muscular-skeletal discomfort, internal organ disorders such as breast/prostate/intestine tumor or cancer, cardiovascular blockage etc., to most importantly, neurosis caused by hidden internal organs imbalance.

     Infrared scanning is a non-invasive and safe method by applying Digital Thermal Analysis to locate problematic organs of its thermal changes from cell metabolism within.  According to scientific study, infrared scanning can detect symptoms six months prior to the CT or MRI exam.

     In Traditional Chinese Medicine, a concept of “Qi” have not been able to detect by CT, MRI or dissection; however, infrared scanning can easily detect the condition of “Qi.”  In the above page, the first set of 4 photos showing different colors inside the body, some parts are red, purple, brown, yellow, green or blue.  These colors are the reflection of energy/temperature of the organs or tissues.  After 40 minutes treatment, the next set of another 4 photos showing  the green, yellow, blue areas have changed to purple or dark red. 

     The rapid change of the colors can be considered as a  heating up process; just like the boiling moisture inside a glass tea pot where we can not detect the floating moisture made up of the carbon and hydrogen cells inside the space of the tea pot, yet we can observe the the rolling of the water drops on the inside walls of the tea pot.  " And the rapid change of the colors is the result of the "Qi".

     The infrared scanning services that we provide including a 2 sets of photos from before and after treatment; 9 photos for female and 7 photos for male respectively.  For a special need such as breast cancer scanning can also be arranged.  Scanning service is an add-on to our clients and a very low minimum service fee for data analysis is required.  Please include an extra 10-20 minutes in your treatment time if you are interested in scanning.    

Due to Covid-19, this service is temporally unavailable. Please call to find out more information; thank you.