Dr. Chin Acupuncture

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First Frost arrives; get yourself ready for the winter

First frost is coming on October 23, get yourself ready for the winter.

     There are 24 solar terms in calendar, and each solar term lasts for 15 days.  First frost will fall on 10/23 this year and it is the term that leading to the winter. 

     In this term, the weather starts to get cold and in 15 days will be the first winter (term).  In Traditional Chinese Medicine, one of the most important concepts of maintaining our health is that our body synchronizes with the environment, the nature and even the universe.  Since the weather will get colder and colder, we need to learn how to get our body winterized for the cold.

     In this term, leafs start to turn yellow, animals start to store food for the winter and prepare themselves for hibernation.  We should all do the same to get ready for the cold.

     In this term, daylight starts to get shorter, surroundings brings a sense of coldness and sadness; therefore, we need to learn how to keep an optimistic mind—keep the negative thoughts in closet and maintain a happiness in mind.  Yet how do we do it?

     First, we need to keep a good habit and maintain our daily biological rhythm.  We tend to get lazy and refuse to get out of bed as scheduled.  By doing so will disturb out biological clock and affect our endocrine system and; therefore, lower the immune system.

     Second, heading into the winter, weather induced respiratory diseases such as asthma, allergies, or flu; or diet induced digestion system disorders such as enterogastritis, gastric ulcer or duodenal ulcer can be easily triggered.  Therefore, we need to choose the right food and keep a good diet.

     Food to choose for this term include: pears, apples, grapes, bean sprouts, olives, ginkgo, pine nuts, onions, leafy mustard, yams, turnips, radishes, Chinese yams, lotus roots, water chestnuts, artichokes, lambs, ducks, wheats, peanuts, sesame seeds, pumpkins, cabbages, mushrooms, soy beans, honey, dates, and walnuts etc., are all good sources for nutrition. Food to avoid include: sea food such shrimps or fish, or cold drinks and cold desserts. 

     Adding some hawthorns or vinegars to your cooking, adding ginseng, angelica, rehmannia, and astragalus to the lamb to make a delicious herbal lamb dish will keep you warm through the entire winter.  

     Before you rush out for work, be sure to wear a scarf or mask to keep your face warm; before you go to bed, be sure to soak your feet in moderate hot water for 10-15 minutes.

     When the weather is nice, go for a short up-hill hiking, practice light dancing or aerobic exercises.  Most importantly, if you have any cardio-vascular related diseases or symptoms, make sure you have medication ready or an even better precaution is to go for a trip or stay in the sunny and warm regions.